Mary Magdalene is an Ascended Master. She helps you with intense emotions, sadness and forgiveness so that you feel happy again! Her channeling and a meditation with her that you will find below will help you further with this.
Emotions cause tension in the body and if that tension lasts too long, it will also cause physical problems. It is important to release the emotions and tension as soon as possible so that you can relax and enjoy yourself again.
The Life of Mary Magdalene on Earth
There are various stories about who Mary Magdalene was when she lived on earth and what she would have done:
- One story goes that she was a disciple (follower) of Jesus (Sananda). They spent a lot of time together.
- Whether Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a relationship with each other is not entirely clear.
- When I tune into the energy myself, it feels more logical that Mary Magdalene also gave teachings along with Jesus. These teachings included topics like freedom, connection, and forgiveness. Mary Magdalene shared how you can become free of limiting emotions such as resentment and anger that keep you from experiencing joy and freedom in your life. She helped to experience your reality and to forgive.
Channeling Maria Magdalena
“Dear human,
A log of changes are happening on Earth. We are seeing the growth towards a loving consciousness very much accelerating at the moment. May I introduce you to the energy of forgiveness.
Emotions are often stored in the abdomen. An overflowing belly with emotions can be emptied with the help of forgiveness, so that space can be made for your own energy.
If you already feel one with all people, then this energy also helps you to feel lighter, because the energy works beyond what we perceive. This energy goes through all layers of consciousness that we are connected to.
It is our job to guide you into a world where forgiveness is like a building block that becomes woven into your personality.
With love, Mary Magdalene.”
Mary Magdalene helps you to forgive:
- Other persons.
- Yourself.
- Humanity.

Mary Magdalene and Jesus knew and felt that we are all one. Forgiving the other is no different than forgiving yourself. Jesus and Mary Magdalene complemented each other very nicely. Jesus showed and explained that we are one and Mary Magdalene told, among other things, about the importance of forgiveness. With forgiveness you can heal yourself (and to be one with everything).
Meditation Exercise with Mary Magdalene
Have you never meditated? Read this information about meditation first.
- Step 1: Provide a nice place where you can sit in silence.
- Step 2: Close your eyes.
- Step 3: For 10 breaths, focus on the softness of the air you breathe.
- Step 4: Now visualize a loving woman who forgives you. She sits down next to you and puts an arm around you. She understands you completely and gives you the energy of forgiveness. Let this energy flow through your whole body, let the emotions flow as they come up and surrender to this completely.
- Step 5: When you feel joy, love or relaxation flowing through your body, the meditation is finished.
- Step 6: Then take the time to come back to the here and now. Do this by, for example, first moving your finger slowly and gradually larger body parts until you open your eyes.
- Step 7: Drink at least 2 glasses of drinking water afterwards to get rid of the energetic waste.

Do you want to know more about Mary Magdalene?
Contact Mathijs via this contact form.
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About Femke de Grijs and Mathijs van der Beek
We are Femke and Mathijs: a Dutch couple and we are both highly sensitive and highly intuitive/paranormal. We feel a non-physical presence beyond the visible site and we are very interested in spirituality and sacred places.

We love to travel the world with our dog Juultje (born in 2022).
We like helping highly sensitive and paranormal persons to discover their divine calling and soul purpose and live it, so they can feel alive too.