HSP inspiration

Do you have an operation as a highly sensitive person? 10 tips

Are you waiting for surgery as a highly sensitive person (HSP) and do you dread this? For example, are you stressed over and nervous, or afraid that something will go wrong? Do you worry about it, do you wake up at night and get tired of it? HSP have a more sensitive nervous system and recognize themselves in these HSP characteristics. They can experience stress and nerves more intensely compared to non HSP. These tips will help you further!

Tip 1. Know what to expect

Prepare well. Why is the operation necessary? Having a goal provides motivation and helps you keep going, even if you are experiencing heavy emotions, like fear. Choose medical doctors you trust. What exactly will happen before, during and after surgery? Which substances and medication are being administered to your body? HSP can experience this more intensely compared to non-HSP. Also keep in mind that the anesthetic nitrous oxide (N2O), when used chronically, leads to a vitamin B12 shortage . If you have a absorption disorder of vitamin B12, you can, for example, investigate whether there are alternatives to this. Some HSP may suffer months of burden of the anesthesia. For example, they are tired, restless, sleep worse, are emotional (scared) and / or suffer from mood swings. Sedation can sometimes be an alternative. Also, practicing lucid dreaming can help.

Tip 2. Ask for help

Perhaps loved ones can give you a lift to the hospital, burn a candle for you during surgery or take you home after surgery and do some household chores or cook some goodies? You can also ask for help to light beings (like ascended masters) , for example, that you are relaxed before the operation, that the operation is positive and you recover well.

Tip 3. Learn to transform any fear

Discuss your anxiety with the doctors and nurses. Learn to transform it.

Tip 4. Relax

Meditate for example and/or use the Tool of Calming. Self hypnosis can also help you relax: at tip 10 you will find more information about this. Are you afraid of needles? Then check out these tips (this article is Dutch: you can use Google Translate in Chrome to translate the text). Take things like pajamas and slippers that will make you feel relaxed.

Tip 5. Stay close to your own energy and essence

Shielding prevents you from getting energy from others like loved ones, other patients (who may be scared or uncertain) and take over doctors.

Tip 6. Let go and trust

Can you read Dutch? For inspiration I share an interview with the Dutch Magazine Viva about controlfreaks. Do you find letting go and trust difficult? Find out why (for example, this may have originated in a past life) and learn how to transform it.

Tip 7. Bring something to look forward to after the operation

Do you have books or magazines that you like? Or a movie you want to see for a while? Take them with you so you can focus on something positive after surgery. This gives energy instead of worrying about recovery and the like. Need inspiration? Here you will find my Dutch book tips for HSP (some titles are also available in English).

Tip 8. Cleanse your body energetically

Have you had the surgery? Release energy that you do not serve, such as from substances that have been administered to you. For example, drugs used for anesthesia can lead to drowsiness and concentration problems. For example, drink water that is energized.

Tip 9. Heal and energetically support your body

Ask doctors what you can do to promote your recovery. Also support yourself energetically, for example with the Flame from Ascension Europe. This is an addition to regular care (not a replacement).

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Tip 10. Be inspired by hypnosis

HSP can benefit a lot from hypnosis. Below you will discover:
  • What hypnosis is
  • What the benefits of hypnosis around surgery are
  • For whom hypnosis around surgery is suitable
  • Which medical doctors use hypnosis for surgery
  • Whether /how hypnosis is applied in Dutch healthcare

What is hypnosis?

There are many misunderstandings about hypnosis. This is often due to TV shows. Hypnosis is awareness with focused attention and a greater capacity to respond to suggestions. During hypnosis your state of consciousness changes: you are not “gone”. Hypnosis was used more than 150 years ago as an anesthetic surgical method and natural anesthesia. Hypnosis is often not used as an alternative to regular anesthesia, but as a supplement. It can be used before, during and after surgery. It is suitable for some relatively simple procedures, usually in addition to a local anesthetic. It can also be used for (chronic) pain, on an emotional level. The experiences of pain may decrease.

Benefits of hypnosis around surgery:

There are several benefits of hypnosis, here are some examples:
  1. It can help you reduce anxiety and be more relaxed. This can be done, for example, before you have an operation (also in addition to a regular anesthetic) in the form of self-hypnosis. You can always do self hypnosis.
  2. There are no side effects associated with hypnosis. Possible side effects such as nausea and vomiting can be prevented.
  3. Communication during operation remains possible.
  4. Physical recovery can be faster, because the body does not need to ‘detox’ from anesthetics.
  5. It can be cheaper (for example, because less pain medication is needed).
  6. Sometimes (for example after surgery) less medication is needed. Something that fits perfectly with HSP: they can react more sensitive to medication.
  7. It is suitable for people who are allergic to regular anesthetics.
  8. You don’t have to be sober for hypnosis. For an anesthetic it is important that people are sober (otherwise they can get sick).

For whom is hypnosis around surgery suitable?

Hypnosis surrounding an operation is only suitable if you yourself are motivated and you really want to, cooperate 100% (and accept suggestions) and trust the healthcare professionals. Do you want this, too? Find an anesthesiologist who’s trained in this. He or she will always give you the opportunity to get a full anaesthetic if you need it and want it.

Which medical doctors use hypnosis?

In some countries they use hypnosis around operations, these are some examples:
  • In 1955, the British Medical Society accepted hypnosis as a legitimate treatment.
  • In 1958, hypnosis was accepted by the American Medical Association as a legitimate treatment.
  • The Sart-Tilman University Hospital in Liège (Belgium) specializes in hypnosis. Professor Marie-Elisabeth Faymonvill works here.
Professor doctor Marie-Elisabeth Faymonvill has been an anaesthetist since 1981 and she specialized in hypnosis. She has been using hypnosis since 1992. She has helped thousands of patients in this way. Professor Dr. Faymonville has done several investigations into hypnosis. She has done research on hypnosis in relation to pain. Professor Dr. Faymonville showed that a specific part of the brain (anterior cingular gyrus) is involved. In 2002, Professor Faymonville defended her dissertation on hypnosis as a tool in regular medicine. She won several awards.

Hypnosis in Dutch health care

In the Netherlands, hypnosis is used in dozens of hospitals. For example, this is done for chronic abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome. The Dutch documentary Hypnosis on prescription discusses this further. In this documentary professor Marc Benninga (AMC), doctor Arine Vlieger (St. Antonius Hospital), doctor Herbert van Wering (Amphia Hospital), professor doctor Ben Witteman (Gelderse Vallei Hospital) and doctor Emile Keuter (Isala) can be seen. In the Netherlands the Juliana hospital in The Hague uses since 2010 for example hypnosis. Hypnosis around operations in Dutch care In 2014 the Dutch Society for Anaesthesiology indicated that hypnosis was not an alternative for them in surgery, because many patients are too anxious to be open to hypnosis during surgery. In the Netherlands hypnosis is usually not applied around surgery. However, there are some exceptions:
  • Anesthesiologist doctor Geert-Jan van Geffen did the first operation in the Netherlands with hypnosis in 2015. The patient chose this because she was afraid of needles.
  • Ina Oostrom (teacher of hypnosis and hypnotherapy) wrote the Dtuch book Operatie met hypnose. In this book she describes how she has helped Mirjam Borsboom  (a hypnotherapist). I found this a very inspiring book, which shows that the power of your thoughts is enormous!

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About Femke de Grijs and Mathijs van der Beek

We are Femke and Mathijs: a Dutch couple and we are both highly sensitive and highly intuitive/paranormal. We feel a non-physical presence beyond the visible site and we are very interested in spirituality and sacred places.

We love to travel the world with our dog Juultje (born in 2022).

We like helping highly sensitive and paranormal persons to discover their divine calling and soul purpose and live it, so they can feel alive too.

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